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The Life of the Saints

All we need to know about the main saints.

  • Type of work: illustrated book, art history, religion, hagiography, guilde of the saints.
  • Target market: Believers, art lovers, interested in religion, tourists of sacred places.
  • Number of pages: 176 pages
  • Format: 17 x 23,5 cm folder
  • Author: Marguerite Fonta Review: Père Snoëk
  • Recommended retail price: € 22
  • Rights available: world

This book is an indispensable guilde on the life of the main historic and legendary saints. Each of them is presented with a lot of details and a rich iconography of church. The essential information are given, such as origin of name, the saint's day, attributes and how to recognize him, the patroness and the life. The book is structured by the saint day and all illustrations are the church windows, a religious artistic expression..

the life of the saints