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The Iconographic Attributes of the Saints

A richly illustrated guide to deciphering
the Christian symbols in art.

To represent the saints, legendary or historical, painters and sculptors have drawn in literature images suggesting their earthly lives. They thus constituted a coded way of representing them that has grown with the passing siecles according to beliefs. The attributes are closely connected with the history of saints and more generally with the Christian faith that they are supposed to express.

This book reflects this rich iconography and can decipher the meaning of the attributes listed by the artists to better appreciate our cultural heritage. The relevance of the illustrations and the wealth of information helping to make this book are an indispensable guide to the knowledge of the saints and understanding the symbols they represent.

  • Type of work: illustrated book, art history, religion, hagiography, guide symbols
  • Number of pages: 200
  • Format: 210 x 280 mm
  • Target market: art lovers, interested in religion, tourists of sacred places, students in art
  • Authors: Marguerite Fonta, Laurent Palet
  • Proofreader: Father Xavier Snoëk
  • Rights available: world except France

saint peter