devenirs visuels
drapeau france
union jack

Short Stories of Masterpieces

In this book, the artworks relate their personal history, what they lived and how one or more they have made hedline news. There are many anecdotes : theft, censure, plundering, destruction, couterfeiting, plagiarism, cutting up, speculation, secret messages and artist secrets.

These small stories trace the journey of the works of art and shed a special light on heir role in the different periods of history.
  • Type of work: attractive book on masterpieces and their history
  • Format : 200 x 270 mm
  • Number of pages : 160
  • Authors : Laurent Palet, Marguerite Fonta, Olivier Magnan and Marie-Luce Nemo
  • Target market: curious and art enthousiast who want to know more about masterpieces
  • Rights available: world